AI driven Nordic Health and Welfare - Work Package 3


Artificial Intelligence

AI driven Nordic Health and Welfare is a research programme where AI solutions are applied to social and health care within the Nordic welfare and social design framework, using a transdisciplinary and user driven approach. We aim to explore ethically sustainable, evidence based, trustworthy and user-friendly AI driven solutions as well as theoretical knowledge in AI as a basis for applying AI in different care contexts. The focus is on two major global societal issues: functional ability for elderly and work ability for persons with mental health problems. The outcomes of the AI supported and smart solutions, applications, models and services will be assessed from both a quality and user perspective as well as an economic and society level perspective.


Leonardo – Head of A²I Lab

Active member

I am a Principal Lecture in Technology & Head of A²ILab. I have a very broad range of research interests comprehending, but not limited to, areas such as autonomous intelligent machines, mining of big datasets, clustering of time series, causality, quantum machine learning, extreme learning machines, creative machines, philosophy of artificial intelligence, computer vision, deep reinforcement learning among many others.

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Johan – Junior developer

Active member

Social Robots Dev at Arcada University of Applied Sciences

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Dennis – Head of DevLab

Active member

Dennis Biström is an IT-Lecturer and Researcher at Arcada UAS where he teaches full stack web programming and data managing, visualization and engineering. He is a PhD student at Åbo Akademi where he is researching human robot interaction (HRI).

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Kristoffer – Developer

Active member

IT Engineer and previous practical nurse (7 years of working experience in education) from Sweden with a new found passion in IT. Currently working @Arcada University of Applied Sciences as a developer in various research projects. Always open for opportunities to further my knowledge, education and experience.

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Christa – Head of RoboLab

Active member

Ms Tigerstedt (PhD) is a trainer, project manager and researcher at the Department of Business Management and Analytics at Arcada UAS.

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Truong An – Researcher

Active member

A Human-Robot Interaction and Human-Computer Interaction researcher.

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Recent Posts

Publications 2021

The year 2021 was a great year for the A²ILab. We have published a total of 9 papers, including 2 journal papers, 6 conference papers and…

Read more about Publications 2021

Techlabs visits childcare centers in Kauniainen

Before we and the robots go to recharge our batteries for the summer, we start laying the groundwork for further endeavors in research here…

Read more about Techlabs visits childcare centers in Kauniainen

Addition to Techlabs!

Autumn is in full swing and here at Techlabs we welcome our latest member, QTrobot! QTrobot is a humanoid, social and educational robot from…

Read more about Addition to Techlabs!


Low-dose acetylsalicylic acid for cancer prevention considering risk factors: A retrospective cohort study. Annals of Epidemiology.. Available at:

Acetylsalicylic Acid Effect in Colorectal Cancer Taking into Account the Role of Tobacco, Alcohol and Excess Weight. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(5), 4104.. Available at:

Sentiment analysis of depression related discussions in the Suomi24 discussion forum. Informaatiotutkimus, 41(2–3), 157-162..

A temporal analysis of depression related tweets-a case study in Finland. In Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics (pp. 147-153).. Available at:

Indoor Scene Recognition via Object Detection and TF-IDF. Available at:

Social and Service Robots Deployed for Social Distancing - Optimization and Placement. Available at: