Christa Tigerstedt
Head of RoboLab

Ms Tigerstedt (PhD) is a trainer, project manager and researcher at the Department of Business Management and Analytics at Arcada UAS. She has a cross-disciplinary training with a human-centric approach to the world (behavioural science).
She delivers trainings and lectures in organizational development and change (incl digitalization), design thinking (ethnographical methods) and innovation -in Finland (also Åbo Akademi and University of Helsinki) and abroad.
She is currently leading a projects related AI driven solutions and the deployment of social and service robots in the service sectors (AFORA, MäRI, CASSIOPEIA etc). She is also involved in future work life skills focused development and design thinking projects.
Tigerstedt, C., Kuvaja-Adolfsson, K. & Biström, D. (2024). Exploring the role of social robots in elderly care: a case study.
Kuvaja Adolfsson K., Tigerstedt C., Biström D., & Espinosa-leal L. (2024) Deploying Humanoid Robots in a Social Environment.
Biström D., Tigerstedt C., Espinosa-Leal L., Kuvaja Adolfsson K. (2024) Open-sourcing A Humanoid Robot.
Hägglund, S. Tigerstedt, C., Biström, D. Espinosa-Leal, L., Wingren, M., Andersson, S., Penttinen, J. & Kuvaja Adolfsson, K. (2023). Stakeholders’ Experiences of and Expectations for Robot Accents in a Dental Care Simulation: A Finland-Swedish Case Study. Social Robots in Social Institutions: Proceedings of Robophilosophy 2022, 366, 125.. Available at:
Tigerstedt, C. & Fabricius, S. (2023). ICERI2023 Proceedings, pp. 1413-1420. Humanoid robots in service contexts – insights from sessions with end users.
L. Wallenius & C. Tigerstedt (2022). Design sprint in higher education, going from face to face to remote mode..
Hägglund, S, Tigerstedt, C, Biström, D., Kristoffer-Kuvaja-Adolfsson, Penttinen, J., Wingren, M., Andersson, S. & Backholm-Nyberg, Y., Fant, H. & Espinosa-Leal, L. (2022). En glad maskin - Processrapport från MäRI-projektet, människa-robotinteraktion i vårdkontext.. Available at:
Tigerstedt, C. Biström, D. (2021) Teaching and learning with humanoid social and service robots in higher education -learnings from service design and it framework use case development modules. Available at:
Majd A., Biström D., Tigerstedt C. & Espinosa-Leal L. (2021). Social and Service Robots Deployed for Social Distancing - Optimization and Placement. Available at: