Människo-robot interaktion - Sociala robotar som agenter i vården

Åbo Akademi/Experience Lab and Arcada are collaborating on the MäRI (Human-robot interaction) project, which aims to develop evidence-based knowledge on how caregivers and care students experience the encounter with a social, humanoid robot.
The focus is on understanding how trust towards the robot is perceived and expressed and what implications this has for a human-centered, ethical design of robot-assisted solutions, which target potentially vulnerable groups.
The project will create an application for a selected robotic platform and Arcada and Vaasa Experience Lab are collaborating on the design work as well as the testing of the content of the applications in healthcare.
Once the application is ready, it will be tested on the target group. The target group in this case has Swedish as their mother tongue and an important part of the project is about the robots' ability to speak Swedish and the target group's ability to understand and trust what the robots say.
Once the project has achieved results, these will be shared with healthcare professionals, teachers, students and other stakeholders via the networks of both universities. The whole field is in dire need of research-based knowledge in this area.
The Märi project is an important step in bringing together and strengthening knowledge on social robots in Sweden-Finland.
The project is funded by Svenska kulturfonden and led by Susanne Hägglund (ÅA) and Christa Tigerstedt (Arcada).

Christa – Head of RoboLab
Ms Tigerstedt (PhD) is a trainer, project manager and researcher at the Department of Business Management and Analytics at Arcada UAS.
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Johan – Junior developer
Social Robots Dev at Arcada University of Applied Sciences
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Dennis – Head of DevLab
Dennis Biström is an IT-Lecturer and Researcher at Arcada UAS where he teaches full stack web programming and data managing, visualization and engineering. He is a PhD student at Åbo Akademi where he is researching human robot interaction (HRI).
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Kristoffer – Developer
IT Engineer and previous practical nurse (7 years of working experience in education) from Sweden with a new found passion in IT. Currently working @Arcada University of Applied Sciences as a developer in various research projects. Always open for opportunities to further my knowledge, education and experience.
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