Kristoffer Kuvaja-Adolfsson

IT Engineer and previous practical nurse (7 years of working experience in education) from Sweden with a new found passion in IT. Currently working @Arcada University of Applied Sciences as a developer in various research projects.
Always open for opportunities to further my knowledge, education and experience.
Tigerstedt, C., Kuvaja-Adolfsson, K. & Biström, D. (2024). Exploring the role of social robots in elderly care: a case study.
Kuvaja Adolfsson K., Tigerstedt C., Biström D., & Espinosa-leal L. (2024) Deploying Humanoid Robots in a Social Environment.
Espinosa-Leal, L., Kuvaja Adolfsson K., Shcherbakov A., (2024) Automatic Speech Recognition of Finnish-Swedish Dialects: A comparison of three cutting-edge technologies.
Biström D., Tigerstedt C., Espinosa-Leal L., Kuvaja Adolfsson K. (2024) Open-sourcing A Humanoid Robot.
Hägglund, S. Tigerstedt, C., Biström, D. Espinosa-Leal, L., Wingren, M., Andersson, S., Penttinen, J. & Kuvaja Adolfsson, K. (2023). Stakeholders’ Experiences of and Expectations for Robot Accents in a Dental Care Simulation: A Finland-Swedish Case Study. Social Robots in Social Institutions: Proceedings of Robophilosophy 2022, 366, 125.. Available at:
Hägglund, S, Tigerstedt, C, Biström, D., Kristoffer-Kuvaja-Adolfsson, Penttinen, J., Wingren, M., Andersson, S. & Backholm-Nyberg, Y., Fant, H. & Espinosa-Leal, L. (2022). En glad maskin - Processrapport från MäRI-projektet, människa-robotinteraktion i vårdkontext.. Available at: