Taligenkänning för finlandsvenska dialekter med hjälp av Artificiell Intelligens

In this project, sponsored by Svenska Kulturfonden/ The Swedish Cultural Foundation in Finland, the parties will cooperate by gathering speech data in various Swedish dialects, developing speech recognition algorithms, and deploying and testing the algorithms with Swedish-speaking people from across Finland. The aim of the project is thus twofold. First, we gather open access labelled speech dialect data of Finnish Swedish populations from across Finland for developing a set of ASR technologies. Then we invite users to test them for perception, trustworthiness, and competence.
A speech recognition research project developing and testing AI algorithms that will understand some of the different Swedish-speaking dialects across Finland has been launched by Arcada University of Applied Sciences in cooperation with Åbo Akademi University and StageZero Technologies.

Leonardo – Head of A²I Lab
I am a Principal Lecture in Technology & Head of A²ILab. I have a very broad range of research interests comprehending, but not limited to, areas such as autonomous intelligent machines, mining of big datasets, clustering of time series, causality, quantum machine learning, extreme learning machines, creative machines, philosophy of artificial intelligence, computer vision, deep reinforcement learning among many others.
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Andrey –
Eager to inspire students to the joy of learning using a rear combination of ICT education experience coupled with fifteen years’ visual journalist background in different media.
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Kristoffer – Developer
IT Engineer and previous practical nurse (7 years of working experience in education) from Sweden with a new found passion in IT. Currently working @Arcada University of Applied Sciences as a developer in various research projects. Always open for opportunities to further my knowledge, education and experience.
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