Truong An Pham

I got a B.Sc. degree in Computer Science (2013) from University of Science (Vietnam National University). Then, I moved to Eurecom Institution and Telecom ParisTech in France to study for M.Sc. degree in Multimedia Technology (2016). I am planning for my PhD defense in Interactive Systems in Aalto University at the end of 2023.
I have had a strong passion in Computer Vision since Bachelor degree time. After joining Aalto University, my research of interest is expanding more into Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Therefore, I am joining techlabs team in Arcada as a Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) researcher. Nevertheless, if you want to have a chat, discussion or collaboration with me in any other field like Machine Learning, Image Security, or Gaming, please feel free to contact me via email or .
Truong An Pham, Tim Moesgen, Sanni Siltanen, Joanna Bergström, Yu Xiao (2022) ARiana: Augmented Reality based In-Situ Annotation of Assembly Videos.10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3216015
Truong An Pham, Junjue Wang, Roger Iyengar, Yu Xiao, Padmanabhan Pillai, Roberta Klatzky, and Mahadev Satyanarayanan (2021) Ajalon: Simplifying the authoring of wearable cognitive assistants.
Petr Byvshev, Truong An Pham, and Yu Xiao (2020) Image-based Renovation Progress Inspection with Deep Siamese Networks.10.1145/3383972.3384036
Truong An Pham, and Yu Xiao (2018) Unsupervised work ow extraction from rst-person video of mechanical assembly. Available at: