
Techlabs visits childcare centers in Kauniainen
Before we and the robots go to recharge our batteries for the summer, we start laying the groundwork for further endeavors in research here at Techlabs and last week we visited some daycare centers in Kauniainen.
At the daycare centers we meet many eager individuals, both large and small, that were interested in robots. One particular young enthusiast even showed of their robot called Bee, a small yellow robot. After instructing us on how the Bee robot should be used the kindergartner was much intrigued on what robots we had at Techlabs and if they could visit, as they thought Bee clearly could use some more friends.
Gathering our thoughts and experiences from the visits it was time to invest in modern and sustainable social assistive robots to use in our future research. We look forward to showing you our new colleagues after the summer once they arrive and hopefully, they’ll also eventually get to meet Bee and become their friend.