
VR technology

Reachy arrives at Techlabs

After a long journey from Pollen Robotics in France, Reachy has finally arrived in time for autumn in Finland. Coming in in hot and dangerous, literally due to lithium battery regulations, Reachy has now had time to cool down in chilly Helsinki where the first frost has started to settle in.

The robot Reachy is a spectacular addition to Techlabs. Being the most agile and flexible robot in our arsenal by far. The robot is able to manipulate objects and act in its direct environment as Reachy does its best to mimic human capabilities with its arms that has 7 degrees of freedom. In addition, the Orbita© technology allows Reachy to fully experience the world through its head and lenses and with added antennas the robot can convey emotions that are both friendly and playful.

As if that wasn’t enough, Reachy can also be controlled live using VR and a teleoperation application. Bringing a much-needed breath of fresh air to robot whispering, taking the wizard of oz away from buttons and dials, and into a fully immersed control of the robot. A feature we hope to explore in the coming weeks.

Reachy is of course also fully open source, meaning the possibilities are eventually endless and with the full kit, including a mobile base, we intend for Reachy to “go far” and take human-robot-interactions to new lengths.