
Kristoffer Kuvaja-Adolfsson  |   05 October 2023

Coffee & Tech with QT

Finally, QT got to do proper introductions to the fine folks here at Arcada. Capturing attention and bringing laughter in the coffee room during a Coffee & Tech event QT showed off a quick demo, asking for helping in finding a friend.

Getting to show off simple, yet important, functions of the QT robot was a delight and giving us the chance to explain the strengths of QT was a great opportunity to get staff and colleagues invested in the topic, some even started brainstorming ideas for future research projects upon seeing QTs main abilities.

Some of our strongest points is the transparency of QT robot. Coming for LuxAI, over in Luxemburg, QT is a European robot and thus adhere to the strict rules and regulations of the European Union, such as GDPR which is essential when working with sensitive use cases, such as children.

QT also runs Linux out of the box and prides itself of being fully open source. For us that means QT is sustainable, as new technology develops QT leaves its doors open for us to implement them, keeping our research up to date and relevant. Of course, QT also comes with ready software and through its simple block-coding interface, that we demoed at the event, we got new people enticed and curious. Simplicity and practicality of showing the studio program and how to develop inspired creativity in even those least proficient with robot technologies.

As for QTs Swedish name, it is still up in the air but so far Sötis seems to be the strongest suggestion. We are however still open for suggestions so get in touch if you have a name proposal, until next time!