Matteo Stocchetti
Principal lecturer

Matteo Stocchetti is Docent in Political Communication at Åbo Academy and Helsinki University, and Principal Lecturer in Media Culture at Arcada. His research interests include critical studies in politics, media & technology, pedagogy and epistemology. He has recently edited the collection of essay "The digital Age and Its Discontent. Helsinki:Helsinki UP, 2020. Among his recent publications also:
- Stocchetti, M (2020). ‘(Dis)Information, Neoliberalism and the Strength of Democracy in the Digital Age’. in G. Terzis, D. Kloza, E. Kużelewska and D. Trottier (eds.) Disinformation and Digital Media as a Challenge for Democracy, EIDS 6, Intersentia, Cambridge 2020, pp. 47-80.
- Stocchetti, M. 2020. ‘Editorial: The digital age and its discontents’.
Stocchetti, M. (2023) A matter of meaning, life and death. Text, AI and the human condition. Available at:
Stocchetti, M. (2023) Indeterminacy, Performativity and the ‘Dialectics of the Real’. The Problem of Knowledge in the Analysis of Visual Politics’.In Darren Lilleker & Anastasia Veneti, Research Handbook in Visual Politics, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, p. 335-344
Stocchetti, M. (2022) Knowledge, Democracy and the Politics of (cyber)fear.In Rivista di Digital Politics. vol. II, 3, pp. 349-366
Stocchetti, Matteo. (2022) Post-truth and the ‘great transformation’ of political reality in the digital age.European Journal of Communication. 37. 026732312210896. 10.1177/02673231221089623
Arola, A. and Stocchetti M. 2022 Sustainable Health, Inequalities and Occupational Therapy: what role for the media?.In Rainer Rubira-García, R., Gomes-Franco e Silva, F. and Caffarel-Serra, C. eds. Experiencias globales de la investigación y la innovación docente sobre comunicación en tiempos de crisis. ORBICOM, pp. 75-93
Stocchetti, M. 2020 Introduction: Technology, Society and Education.In M. Stocchetti ed. The Digital Age and Its Discontents. Critical Reflections in Education. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press, pp. 1-29
Stocchetti, M. 2020 (Dis)Information, Neoliberalism and the Strength of Democracy in the Digital G. Terzis, D. Kloza, E. Kużelewska and D. Trottier (eds.) Disinformation and Digital Media as a Challenge for Democracy, Intersentia, Cambridge 2020, pp. 47-80
Stocchetti, M. 2020 Editorial: The digital age and its discontents. Available at:
Stocchetti, M (2019) Selfie, Interpellation and the Neoliberal Project: A preliminary study.KOME. An International Journal of Pure Communication Inquiry. Vol. 7, Issue 2. DOI: 10.17646/KOME.75672.37
Stocchetti, M. (2019) Emancipation and Sexual Politics in the Digital Age: Indeterminacy and the Dialectics of the Real. Available at:
Stocchetti Matteo (2018) Invisibility, Inequality and the Dialectics of the Real in the Digital Age.INTERAÇÕES: SOCIEDADE E AS NOVAS MODERNIDADES 34. pp. 23-46
Stocchetti Matteo (2017) Digital visuality and Social Representation. Research Notes on the Visual Construction of Meaning.An International Journal of Pure Communication Inquiry. Volume 5 Issue 2, p. 38-56
Stocchetti Matteo, (2017) Persona and Parrhesia: Research Notes on the Dialectics of the the real.In Persona Studies, vol. 3, no. 1.
Stocchetti Matteo, 2017 Re-making the Truth in the Digital Age. Parrhesia and Human Interest’. In Comunicazioni Sociali.Journal of Media, Performing Arts and Cultural Studies, N. 3, 405-414
Stocchetti Matteo, (2016) The Culture Industry and the Future of Film Schools: Notes For Resistance.In Semerdjiev S. and others (eds.). The 21st Century Film/TV School
Stocchetti, M. (2016) The way forward: The dawn of the post-digital age in education.E-Learning: Practices, lessons learned and the way forward, Eds: N. Hyde-Clarke & C. Wikström-Grotell. Helsinki: Arcada. 31-52
Stocchetti, M. (2015) Critical Pedagogies and Film Education in Neoliberal Times: Notes for Educators Who Haven’t Given Up. Available at:
Stocchetti Matteo, (2015) Making Futures: The Politics of Media Education.In Kotilainen S. and Kupiainen R. eds. Media Education Futures. Nordicom: Clearing House Göteborg
Stocchetti Matteo (2014) Images and Power in the Digital Age: The Political Role of Digital Visuality.Kome. An International Journal of Pure Communication Inquiry. Volume 2 Issue 2, p.1-16
Stocchetti Matteo (2013a) The Great Transformation Three Centuries Later: double movement, “marketspeak” and sacrifice.In José Filipe Silva & Alejandro Lorite Escorihuela eds. COLLeGIUM. Studies Across Disciplines in the Humanities and Social Sciences, 14. Helsinki: Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, 2013, pages 210–226
Stocchetti Matteo, (2013b) Critical Thinking and Cultural Recycling: Research notes for the educational use of bad movies.Trash Culture Journal ,Vol. 1 No. 1. Pages 42-65
Stocchetti Matteo, (2012) The Enemy Within? Intellectuals and Violence in the “Postmodern Condition”.Silvia Nagy-Zekmi and Karyn Hollis eds. Global Academe: Engaging Public Intellectual Discourse. London, Palgrave Macmillan. Pages 99-120
Stocchetti Matteo, (2011a) Images: Who gets what, when and how?.Matteo Stocchetti and Karing Kukkonen eds. (2011). Pages 11-38
Villi Mikko and Matteo Stocchetti, (2011) Visual Mobile Communication, Mediated Presence and the politics of space.Visual Studies, Vol. 26, Issue 2. Pages 102-112.
Stocchetti Matteo, (2009) "War Is Love". Gender And War Narrative in Transnational Broadcasting.Fatima Festic ed. Betraying the Event: constructions of victimhood in contemporary cultures. Cambridge Scholars Press. Pages 117-139
Sumiala-Seppänen J. and Stocchetti M. (2007) Father of the nation or arch-terrorist? Media rituals and images of the death of Yasser Arafat.Media, Culture & Society; 29: 336-343
Stocchetti M.(2007) The politics of fear.Adam Hodge and Chad Nilep, Discourse, War and Terrorism, Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture series, John Benjamins. Pages 223-241
Lundsten L. and M. Stocchetti, (2006) Dangerous Metaphors: The Media Coverage of the American Crusade.Implications of the Sacred in (Post)modern Media, eds Johanna Sumiala-Seppanen,Knut Lundby & Raimo Salokangas, Nordicom, Göteborg. Pages 139-158
Sumiala-Seppänen J. and Stocchetti M. (2005) Mediated Sacralization and the Construction of Post Modern Communio Sanctorum: the Case of the Swedish Foreign Ministry Anna Lindh.Material Religion, Vol. 1, Issue 2, pp. 228-249
Lundsten L. and Stocchetti, M. (2005) The War against Iraq in Transnational Broadcasting.Broadcasting’ in Global War – local Views. Media Images of the Iraq Conflict, eds Stig A. Nohrstedt and Rune Ottosen, Nordicom, Göteborg. Pages 25-46
Stocchetti, M. (2003) Wagging the Dog or Serving the Cause? Assessing the impact of ICTs and intelligibility in transnational broadcasting war coverage.Millennium: Journal of International Studies, Vol. 32 No. 3, pp. 643-671
Stocchetti, M. (2002a) Metafore e Teoria delle relazioni internazionali.Rivista italiana di Scienza politica,n. 32, vol 2
Stocchetti, M. (2002b) The power of Discourse.R. Savarese ed. Comunicazione e crisi: Media conflitti e società, Milano, Franco Angeli
Stocchetti M., (2001) Space in their Minds: the role of space-related variables in political behaviour.M. Antonsich, Kolossov V. e M. P. Pagnini eds., Europe Between Political Geography and Geopolitics, Roma, Società Geografica Italiana. Pages 243-261
Stocchetti M. (1998) La riforma della NATO: flessibilità o egemonia?.Teoria Politica, XIV, n. 2
Stocchetti M. (1996) L’attore mancante: i problemi della politica per la sicurezza in Italia.Teoria Politica, XII, n. 3
Stocchetti M. (1995) Potere, Idee e Mutamento: la sfida metodologica all’analisi della politica internazionale di fine millennio.Teoria Politica, IX, n.3, 1995, 179-187
Stocchetti M. (1994) Le Relazioni Internazionali dopo la guerra Fredda: una disciplina al bivio?.Teoria Politica, X, 2, 129-145
Stocchetti M. (1993) Ripensare la sicurezza in epoca post-bipolare.Teoria Politica, IX, n. 1, 1993, 197-207
Stocchetti, M (forthcoming) Saturation, meaning and death. Notes for a critical approach to AI textual affordances. Interações: Sociedade e as Novas Modernidades