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The Behavioral Consumer Insights or BCI lab is a modern co-working space where we can work efficiently in smaller groups. Here, we employ a hands-on approach whether we are developing business ideas together with students, or reviewing research data together with our colleagues.

The room itself has space for up to 15 students. The room is light, colors are fresh and the natural wallpaper inspires you to think big. There is a large screen for presenting, lecturing and pitching, and the five tables with modern office chairs all have their own screen for presenting and working in groups with both digital and analog material.

As a lab, this space is utilized for behavioral and consumer insights, and the associated people work with designing services and evaluating user experiences. The lab is also the home for research related to eye-tracking, which we use for example within retail use cases to monitor customer behavior.


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Niklas – Head of BCILab

Associated member

Niklas Eriksson is Principal lecturer in Digital marketing and he holds a PhD in Information Systems. His main area of teaching and research is technology adoption and use in different industries.

See profile

Christa – Head of RoboLab

Active member

Ms Tigerstedt (PhD) is a trainer, project manager and researcher at the Department of Business Management and Analytics at Arcada UAS.

See profile

Pekka – Researcher

Associated member

Solidly standing with one foot in information systems science (including project management, usability, software business, systems design, open source) currently focusing on studying the interactions between people, organizations and projects. Finalizing my doctorate.

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